Friday, February 5, 2010

Beware, citizens of Venus! Men are coming!

Men are from earth and women are from Venus? Move over ladies and make some space, we are already there!
Lions (Male) sport manes, lioness don't. Peacock (Male) spreads its tail feathers, peahens cannot , and Bucks (Male deer) grow antlers while the Does don't. Yes, you can guess it. The male species try to attract the female ones by their physique and fancy accessories. But human beings are peculiar and the behavior is reversed, or so I thought....
But I think we have started going 'primitive'. We have enough animal instincts already but this one 'attraction' thing was reversed and we have started to fill this gap. We are trying to exploit the world of Venus. Working out and hitting the gym is no longer reserved for Arnold.. Men are worried about their single pack (of fat/belly) and want to convert it to at least two if not six. Tight fit shirts are slowly starting to appear. Though the word 'metrosexual' has been around for some time now, I think it is accelerating even faster of late.
When I first saw the 'Fair & Handsome' ad, I thought it was ridiculous. I know women fall for the beauty products just like flies getting attracted to light but to imagine the same fate for men was too far fetched for me.. Yet, that's exactly what reality turned out to be. Words like 'color of the skin is not important even for women' I know will fall in deaf ears but now when men go after fairness and whiteness it sounds strange.
It is a famous saying that 'Men fall for women who are bautiful whereas women like men who can speak well'. But will the saying lose its relevance now? So what next? Will the future wallet of Men come with special features to fit the make-up kit of men (ala handbag). Even if it comes, will men be smart enough to pack a dozen items in that small space? And then there will be some funny things too.. Imagine a fat guy trying to show off by wearing tights or a guy's wallet spitting out a dozen items when he tries to get his credit card! Crazy things await!
Who wants to live on Earth any more.. So ladies, here Men come!
P.S - If there are any hints of male chauvinism, it is purely unintentional. I know I cannot generalize my opinions for all women. I just went with the mass opinion on things which I believe is true for 'most' women.